After an extensive refurbishment and strengthening programme, Erskine Chapel is now open for bookings.


Ian's thoughts on the new District Plan for Wellington

Changes to Wellington’s District Plan were widely reported in the media last week, including Ian's thoughts on it (including this piece from Radio NZ). Ian is a longtime supporter of inner-city density and will talk the ear off anyone about why it makes sense for Wellington.

You can read a detailed explanation about his views on inner city residential density using existing commercial building stock here , but outside that model - he also highly recommends reading an excellent piece by Isthmus Principal Haylea Muir which explains density and how it can actually be done well.

We’re completely onboard with the concepts that Haylea explores: indeed, it emulates our thinking behind what we’ve done with Paetutu in Petone and what we’re in the process of doing at ARO. Interesting times ahead for Wellington, that's for sure.